December 11, 2002 at 6:00 PM

On How Work Is Driving Me Crazy

So far � the new MLXchange system that went in effect officially yesterday� has caused me to go home with a headache 2 days in a row now.

I went to a training session for this new system back in early November � before the input module was running� Of course, the input module is the one that I use the most � in fact, without it, I cannot do my job at all. They totally fu*ked it all to hell. Now a 10 minute job has turned into a 3 hour ordeal.

Things are also still up in the air about who is getting the OA position�

And for 3/4 of the day today, our computers have been down.

I am going to spend what little money I have on Christmas presents later tonight I think � I may even buy myself a drink �

There is an agent here - and I won't mention any names... but lets just say her first name stars with an M and rhymes with Faxine and her last name starts with an L and rhymes with Hauter...yes, we'll call her Faxine Hauter (for legal purposes). She has to be THE WORST REAL ESTATE AGENT that I have ever met - as well as THE MOST ANNOYING PERSON ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET... and I have met some annoying people in my time. She is wierd, spacey, bug-eyed, whiney, etc. (the list goes on and on) And she won't leave us alone at the front desk. Ever since she was given permission to put up the christmas tree in the lobby... She hasn't returned to her office. She stays up front bothering Pitbul and I only occasionally wondering back to the Mortgage Company to drive them batty. She never "works" while she is in the office, only cleans the kitchen compulsively and attacks you as you walk past her office into the break room... I hate her --

Right now, she has decided to move a framed certificate on the wall to another wall - for no particular reason - and is hammering me into another headache...

I may have to kill her...

I'm feeling a little The current mood of at

Car Tunes: "Your Body Is A Wonderland" - John Mayer

Today's Motto: Kill Faxine Hauter

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On Getting Screwed and Other Recent Events
On Why I Won't Be At Work Tomorrow
On Remembering That I Have An Online Diary
On A Speed Bump In The Making
On How Crazies Are Everywhere

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