September 28, 2002 at 8:58 PM

of Love and Money

What an interesting 24 hours it has been.

I had thought that this entry would be about my random soap opera addiction and my longing to be part of a cheesy storyline with the pretty people who keep giving me -- the look. But I was only half right...but first:

My name is Shaun and I watch Port Charles - There, I've said it. Recently, I've been all consumed by a storyline focusing around the growing relationship of one amazing couple: Allyson and Raife. Allyson is a former snobbish little rich blonde girl turned caring and kooky, loving soul - and Raife is an Angel given the chance to come back to Earth to experience love (the one thing he missed out on in his former life). Through the course of their relationship, they have been tested again and again - to the point of Raife getting amnesia and thinking he was married to Allyson's enemy, Livy (yeah yeah shut up - its cool if you watch it enough). Well, at the end of this last book (that's what PC calls their storylines), Raife regains his memory and returns to Allyson, only to be shot in the back and die in her arms a minute later. And as he dies, while she is holding him close to her, he tells her not to get the ambulance because he doesn't want to miss another second of time with her - and she kisses him and says she loves him enough to be able to let him go "home". And in the midst of my tears, I realized that not once in my 23 years have I met someone who a) would look at me in that way to begin with or b) would die rather than miss a second of time spent with me or c) that I loved so much that I would be happy to let them die in my arms without a fight if it was what they wanted.

Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to my soap - it lets me live out whats missing in my life for a half an hour and trick me into feeling not longing - but fullfilment. Hell felling anything again. Well, that, and the weird gothic storylines that they have. I love the fact that ever since they started having these Gothic Good Vs Evil Witches and Vampires stories the characters on the show are visibly aware of the change and will bring it up to anyone who'll listen that, all the sudden Port Charles has randomly become not a nice place to live - to the point of screaming "Why is this happening all the sudden? I don't understand". Its that Kevin Williamsish sort of knowledge that makes the show fun to watch.


I found out today that my rock, my best friend TJ, is jetting back to Brooklyn much much sooner than even she thought she would be. Her plans had been to stay here in the Sunshine State with her dad through the Holidays. Her mother having only just passed on, all thought it was a good idea for all involved. However, today her dad seems to have flipped out about money and demanded that either they start pay $200 in rent or they'd have to go. Now $200 doesn't sound like alot, but she and Jon (her new hubbie) both took a 2/3 pay cut to move down here and are trying to share one car between them to make ends meet to pay all of their bills in Brooklyn and keep up the apt that they are subleasing to a couple up there. His answer was that Jon should take on a second job and quit smoking so that they could make the extra dough. Her answer was to hit the road next weekend for Brooklyn.

Now in my opinion, I think her Dad will greatly regret the decision that he's made about 10 minutes after she's gone and he has to spend the next few months alone. And of course, for my own selfish reasons, I don't want her to have to go just yet. I barely get to see her now as it is - now I'll NEVER see her - until I get fed up enough to buy my Air or Railway ticket back to the Big Apple.

So what lesson have we learned today? Choosing money over loved ones is a sucky thing to do - BUT keep your day job so you can make enough for the cable bill so you can supplement your love life.

I'm feeling a little The current mood of at

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On Getting Screwed and Other Recent Events
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On Remembering That I Have An Online Diary
On A Speed Bump In The Making
On How Crazies Are Everywhere

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