October 02, 2002 at 5:54 PM

Less Than Perfect

I saw the best new sitcom last night. It's called "Less Than Perfect". It centers on a Temp (how perfect) who randomly gets assigned to this bigwig office - and they hire her full time. AND SHE'S JUST LIKE A REAL PERSON! She's pretty but not knock down gorgeous, too chatty, a little overweight, semi low self esteme - its great. But what's even better is a line that she said... "I think a little self loathing is heathly, I mean the people that really like themselves usualy aren't very likable people". A truer word was never said...


Shaun's Halloween Movie Pick:

The Craft

I absolutely love this movie. 4 teenage witches who come into their own and let the power go to their heads. It is also a movie that has the TRUEST look at Wicca (up to a point of course) that I have ever scene. And the best explination of the Wiccan idea of God/Goddess/Creator. "If God and the Devil were playing football, Manough would be the field that they played on and the sun that shone down on them." Manough of course being their name for the God/Goddess/whatever. It also has a kick-ass soundtrack...one of my favorites. A great Halloween Month pick!

I'm feeling a little The current mood of shaunpuffyrice@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

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