October 04, 2002 at 5:58 PM

Its the End of the Week as We Know It...

Well the week is FINALLY over - I tell you...this had to be the longest week in existance. It feels as if months have passed since last Sunday....

Anyway - I had the last hoorah with TJ and Jon at our gay karaoke bar. And I found that I can sing Natalie Merchant songs in HER key - which is good to know. It was a good time, but I forgot to bring along a cassette tape so that I could capture some of the moments forever and eventually move them to CD. OH Well....

Otherwise not much has occured - no new insights into the human soul....BUT I missed posting my movie pick for yesterday....


Shaun's Halloween Movie Pick(s):

The Devil's Advocate

This was a great film. It is the first time we see Keaneu Reeves ACTING WELL. Basically he's a spawn of Satan who ends up inherriting dear old Dad's LAW FIRM (go figure). Amazing performance by Charlese Theron (sp), who plays his wife - who goes crazy the further he gets pulled into the whole Satan thing.


Rosemary's Baby

Tonights pick is a classic tale: Loving wife is drugged by her husband who sells her body to a band of witches who impregnate her with the anti-christ. Realy suspenseful, until you get to the end - classic 70s scary ending which is lacking now adays. The REALY cool part is that it takes place in a building that I lived 2 blocks from in New York ;)

I'm feeling a little The current mood of shaunpuffyrice@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

Car Tunes:

Today's Motto:

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On Getting Screwed and Other Recent Events
On Why I Won't Be At Work Tomorrow
On Remembering That I Have An Online Diary
On A Speed Bump In The Making
On How Crazies Are Everywhere

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