October 09, 2002 at 5:41 PM

Faded pictures in my scrapbook...

Last night I had a nostalgic overload, as it were....I was going through some of the cassettes I brought with me back from New York, looking for my Halloween Witch Mix :P But I found the tape I had made of my class' Finals in Musical Theatre at the end of my first semester at AMDA. Oh it was so sad to think that I haven't thought about those guys in a while. To be surrounded by such talent night and day and be able to take it for granted.... I dunno - it just made me appreciate the whole experience even more in retrospect I guess.

In other news I was so bored today at work I think the most exciting thing I did was rearrange the agents name tags on the wall for the 15th time. woohoo - break out the noise makers on that one....


Shaun's Halloween Movie Pick:

The Lawnmower Man

Now this one I actually saw in the THEATRES back in the day....And no, to end the debate - it is not an adaption of something that Stephen King wrote. Yes he wrote a short story called The Lawnmower Man, and it was about some freaky guy who slithered around some dudes backyard EATING the grass - this movie is all about virtual reality. Much different. I think they made a sequal but that was a mistake - it ends perfectly as it is....

I'm feeling a little The current mood of shaunpuffyrice@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

Car Tunes:

Today's Motto:

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email me. leave a note

guestbook. diaryland

reviews. quizzes

On Getting Screwed and Other Recent Events
On Why I Won't Be At Work Tomorrow
On Remembering That I Have An Online Diary
On A Speed Bump In The Making
On How Crazies Are Everywhere

Give me Clix!

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