October 14, 2002 at 5:51 PM

Weekend Warrior

So I was a little lax this weekend with my diary entering - live with it, I did ;)

Basically - I started off the weekend with a marathon talk with Jen that ran to the wee hours of the morning. These conversations often end up with either one of both of us rolling with laughter that causes tears, shortness of breath, and choking fits. Most often they occur as we examine all of the �triumphs� that we�ve made since high school � and this time we made fun of some other people too. It turns out that maybe 3 or 4 out of whole high school class actually did something�the rest are just sitting around in dead end jobs wearing their frosted smiles and probably making more than I do.

I attempted to watch my Friday night movie (even though it was like 2:30 AM) � but gave up halfway through. I finished it up Saturday morning when I finally pried my eyes open. I didn�t do much on Saturday as a whole � I tried to go to the mall, but after I rode my bike all the way down there, I discovered I hadn�t taken the keys to lock my bike up. SO it was all the way back home for me. And by then, I was too tired to try again. It�s damn hot out there�.

Sunday I traipsed on back to the mall where, though I found great deals on every purchase�I shouldn�t have spent any money at all�BUT I did anyway. I found a great shirt and a really nice suede coat at the GAP in the Clearance section (must have been from 2 seasons ago or something) � anyway�I spent less than $13 for the duo. Then on to Fye Music where I purchased the new(est) Cilene Dion CD (on sale for $10) � and the new(est) Blondie CD (on super sale for $4) � as well as Final Fantasy 9 for my hand me down Play Station (not so on sale for $18)�Next stop was Spencer Gifts where I purchased my Halloween Horror Nights tickets � at an Off-Peak AND Florida Resident price for my sister�s birthday. And since I was right there � I thought�what the hell, I�ll go see Red Dragon (not bad by the way).

All that money spent, I came home to enjoy my pillaging�and ended the evening arguing with Juan-Michael about the correct grammatical usage of the word �ON� in the song lyric/title �On the Street Where You Live�.

Tiring weekend��


Shaun�s Halloween Movie Pick(s):

(Sat) The Scream Trilogy

Yes � I watched the entire trilogy from end to end. I saw the best of �new� Hollywood being slashed from groin to sternum. Drew Barrymore, Jada Pinket, Skeet Ulrich, Laurie Metcalf, Scott Foley�.not one was spared the wrath of Mr. Ghostface.. Muwahahaha

(Sun) Alien

The original Alien movie where Sigorney Weaver kicks some double-mouthed alien butt after it eats the rest of her crew�love that one. (She still had her hair in this one�)

(Mon) The Crow

Not really �scary� � but it�s a gothic standard�..

I'm feeling a little The current mood of shaunpuffyrice@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

Car Tunes:

Today's Motto:

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On Why I Won't Be At Work Tomorrow
On Remembering That I Have An Online Diary
On A Speed Bump In The Making
On How Crazies Are Everywhere

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