October 24, 2002 at 1:36 PM

I Love Kelly!

Oh my gosh � can we say that I am officially obsessed with this whole diaryland thing � hehehe I couldn�t stop myself from checking my stats like every 5 minutes. BUT since I started running my banner add � I had 155 hits on my lil ole diary yesterday � And some really nice people sent me some emails and left me notes and guest book stuff�.(beaming smile�People like me! They really like me!) AND 4 or 5 people have me on their favorite diary lists!!! Yippee Skippy!

Anyway �

I headed on down to the much anticipated American Idol Concert yesterday � of course it was raining because it is Tampa � and whenever someone finally decides to �tour� into our city something has to happen to scare them away or scare them off for next time�.BUT we (Jen & I) did make it there in one piece and found a pretty nifty parking spot too. There were so many people there DRESSED like THEY were on the show, it was funny. Little Kellys all over the place �hehehe. The show itself was pretty good. You couldn�t really hear AJ or Jim, but I didn�t go to see them. And EJ�.OH MY GOD. Did something atrocious to his hair. He was all competing with J-fro for the biggest fro in town � but decided to have it relaxed! AND died it all weird blonde streaks�so now it looked like Kelly�s hair. LOL It was nasty. But at least it distracted you from his face. Damn � that�s one ugly guy who can sing. The rest of the group was ok. Tamyra did a really �dramatic� version of Turn This House Into a Home. She was all acting it out. But Kelly definitely stole this show. I loved her from the TV show and her CD�but seeing her live is something different. She was AMAZING. She has this great energy about her. And she�s so funny too � even on stage�I love her and want to have her children�

All in all, Jen and I had a great time. We were being silly and screaming like 10 year olds the whole time. �I love Kelly� �Justin is sooo cute� �Ryan Star RULES� and such�.and a funny story about Tampa �security��There were signs and warnings all over about how people would be searched and you couldn�t bring any camera�s, recorders, drugs, or weapons into the arena (Which is now randomly called the St. Pete Times Forum instead of the Tampa Bay Ice Palace � even though its still in Tampa---I don�t get it). Well, Jen had 2 cameras and a mini cassette recorder stuffed in her purse. We walk up to �security� and this old man looks at our tickets, and then says to her � Do you have any cameras in your bag?�. She looks at him and says� �No.� and then he says �Okay, hit 4 on the elevator�. LOL Some Security. What was even funnier was that after the show � there was a LINE of maybe 60-80 people waiting to get their cameras back. Apparently they answered �Yes� to the scary old man at the door�


Shaun�s Halloween Movie Pick:


I have only seen this one once before � and actually HAVEN�T read the book. But its about a rabid dog�and that�s pretty scary. Makes me reminiscent of Jen�s dog Max. For some reason unknown to myself�.he HATES me. Goes all crazy if I come to the house. I think he must have been abused by someone who looked like me or something. Anyway...arf arf GRRRR

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